Recipe: 010-Scratch GPIO

Recipe Card

010 : Scratch GPIO

Recipe Files Ingredients


Tested: Raspbian

WARNING: This recipe also requires the following recipe(s) to be setup on the SD-Card:

Recipe 001-Startup

See the markdown version of this recipe on the Pi-Kitchen GitHub site see:



Introducing Scratch GPIO

Scratch GPIO was created by Simon Walters (@cymplecy) to allow Scratch to interact with physical hardware. Full details of Scratch GPIO is available on his website:


The recipe includes the Scratch GPIO installation script, allowing it to be installed without requiring an internet connection. You can also choose to download and install the latest version of the script and also update the script stored in the recipe.

The installation script ( is placed in the _INSTALLONCE directory, so the user can select the method of installation.

If the Scratch GPIO link changes (i.e. if a new version is released) then update as required.

WARNING: Using Scratch with remote connections
Currently, there is an issue with Scratch 4 which causes it not to work correctly with X-11 Forwarding. The issue results in "=" characters being generated while connected (this makes Scratch hard to use when you need to type anything).
Therefore if you need to use Scratch via the network you will need to use VNC or similar.

How to use

Run the script to install Scratch GPIO.


The ingredient files should be placed in the following location on the NOOBS RECOVERY partition:


This recipe uses the following files:


You can download all the ingredient files, and extracted directly to the NOOBS SD-Card (ensuring you remove the ZIP file’s name from the directory – the files should be extracted to pi-kitchen/010-scratch-gpio).

The Recipe Files

Each recipe will use one file for each of the partitions it installs to – boot, root and data).

You will need to suitably rename or copy the content of each of the following files into your recipe files (i.e. RaspbianPiKitchen_root.txt) and place them in your os folder in the NOOBS partition (i.e. os/Raspbian).

For more information see the Pi-Kitchen: Creating Flavours guide.



#Recipe: 010-scratch-gpio

#- Add script to _INSTALLONCE folder

../../pi-kitchen/010-scratch-gpio/_INSTALLONCE/ /home/pi/bin/_INSTALLONCE

Enjoy baking your Raspberry Pi SD-Card fresh from the Pi-Kitchen.


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